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Cryo-Save Makes Stem Cells Available for Public Medical Use
BRUSSELS- February 5 - Europe's Largest Cord Blood Stem Cell
Storage Bank Commences the Fight to Combat the Shortage of Stem
Cells Available for Public Use
Cryo-Save- the largest private stem cell bank in Europe- hasannounced today that on 30th January an agreement was reached withOsidea- an Italian non-profit making organization promoting thepublic storage of umbilical cord blood stem cells. In futurethrough this mutual<br />engagement parents will have the possibility to donate umbilicalcord blood stem cells<br />for the child's own use as well as for the solidarity or publicuse. Osidea- the dedicated association to the public healthand well-being of the Sardinian community- is facing high numbersof serious blood pathologies such as microcitemia- thalassemia andleukaemias.
Kotka Silmakabinet otsib oftalmoloogi, kellel on huvi lisaks erialasele praktikale ka ettevõtluse vastu. See on Sinu võimalus liituda äripartnerina ja saada ettevõtte kaasomanikuks!