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New Prezista Phase 3 Study Meets Primary Objective of Non-Inferiority
New Prezista(R) Phase 3 Study Meets Primary Objective of
Non-Inferiority and Secondary Objective of Superiority in Virologic
Response vs. Kaletra(R) in Treatment-Experienced HIV
<br />- PREZISTA/ritonavir data published in The Lancet - CORK- Ireland-July 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Results from a Phase 3 head-to-head studyshowed that a significantly greater percent (77 percent) oftreatment-experienced HIV-1 infected adults* taking Prezista(R)(darunavir)/ritonavir- with an optimised background regimen (OBR)of antiretroviral agents- reached a viral load of less than 400copies/mL at week 48- compared to 68 percent of patients taking thewidely prescribed medication lopinavir/ritonavir- with OBR- in aper-protocol analysis (95 percent confidence interval 2-16). Inaddition- significantly more patients receiving darunavir/r in thisstudy reached an undetectable viral load ( lt;50 copies/mL)compared to patients taking lopinavir/r (71 percent vs. 60percent).
Meditsiiniuudiste talvistel veebiseminaridel anname tervishoiutöötajatele teadmisi vaimse tervise ja pearingluse teemal. NB! Kalender täieneb jooksvalt!